Iridology and Sclerology

"Iridology and Sclerology are techniques to present -visually- what Traditional Chinese Medicine and Healing Arts bring as benefits -to every  aspects of life and health; in order to provide , balance ad harmony- essential to improve the Quality of Life"(Flávia Yuri Yamamura)
"It is wonderful to notice an organ that brings in itself the biographical history, emotional experiences, problem solutions, gifts, besides the physiological functions, in the homeostatic balance of the human body.." (LO RITO, Danielle, Multidimensional iridology, Venice, Italy, 2011).

"Sclerology is the art and science of interpreting the red lines in the sclera, to analyze their reflective and constitutional implications". (TIPS, Jack. Introduction to sclerology. International Sclerology Institute. USA, 2005).

'Each iris records the psycho-emotional experiences of gestation, birth process, infancy, unsolved issues, and also the emotional experiences of our parents, great parents, ancestors and children. Through the iris we can detect emotional blocks, talents and traces from past generations, which may be carried to future generations." (ANDREWS, John, Immunology and iridology. London, 2003).
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